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1Tx fuel tap

Started by mo123, April 06, 2017, 05:57:39 AM

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My '87 has a later fuel tank on it with a manual valve and it should have a vacuum operated one. I can't seem to find the right fuel tap for it and occasionally one of my floats sticks and it leaks fuel through the overflow while parked overnight..
Has anyone got a suggestion on solving it? Was thinking of extending the fuel line and adding a manual tap somewhere convenient.. Or does someone here have a spare one they'd be willing to sell and post to Ireland?

big r

RPM has new ones in stock. He has most everything else you will need as well. Big R



The late model tanks use the fuel pump as the shut off of fuel to the carbs. There is no way to fit the vacuum operated petcock to that tank you have. You might try and source a vacuum operated petcock to place inline. Here is Pingle that I have seen before.

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM