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A Aussie social gathering coming up soon.

Started by racerrad8, October 04, 2018, 05:05:53 PM

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Major FJ event next fortnight!!!!
Friday & Saturday nights 12th & 13th Oct!!
Lake Somerset holiday park just north of Brisbane.
(BBQ and/or courtesy bus to exchange hotel in Jumping Kilcoy!! (Or both!!)
Lunch at Bernies??
Great riding or simply chilling out with FJ families!!!
(Yes we have a common fireplace!!)
Who's Coming?
Note: we already got some caravans with awnings to mark our circle. All ya need is min camping gear, snags and a drink. phone 0754971093 and book a non powered site.
Park map | NRMA Lake Somerset Holiday Park
Randy - RPM


Here are the ones I know are attending so far

The General (Doug)
RoverFJ1200 ( Richard)
Myself ( Urban Legend)
XRay + mrs XRay
Andrew Parr
Curzon Dodd ( Marc) is a maybe
There maybe more.

My Baby (Sparkles)
84 FJ1100/1200 motor
92 FJ 1200 - Project bike. Finished and sold.
84 FJ1100 - Project bike.


Quote from: Urban_Legend on October 04, 2018, 05:09:52 PM
Here are the ones I know are attending so far

The General (Doug)

Well, now...

the reason Doug is not here this week for the RPM Fall Rally is revealed... :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Randy - RPM
Randy - RPM


I am turning in to a maybe. I hurt my back yesterday (I think it was when I got out of bed... Go figure) been to the physio, had acupuncture and on the good drugs. Currently hurts standing, sitting or lying down, but is better than yesterday. I know it's muscle pain and not other more permanent issues. Fingers crossed for a Friday recovery.
My Baby (Sparkles)
84 FJ1100/1200 motor
92 FJ 1200 - Project bike. Finished and sold.
84 FJ1100 - Project bike.